

The Mechanical subteam is in charge of robot design and construction, using the team's various power tools to build the competition field pieces and the physical structure of the competition robot.  Part of the Mechanical team is our CAD (computer aided design) group which is in charge of translating the team's vision of the robot design into a set of detailed computer graphic images which can be used to build the robot.


The Electrical subteam creates the main electrical board for our robot that controls all of the mechanisms, as well as the pneumatics that work alongside the electronics to control mechanisms on the robot.


Often our largest team, the Programming subteam write the code that makes the robot's electrical and pneumatic mechanisms perform the required functions. We code in Java using FIRST's WPILib software.

Business (Marketing and Outreach)

Every team member is involved in the Business team, composed of both the outreach and marketing responsibilities. Our outreach includes educational and volunteer outreach, as part of our Impact commitment. Marketing is a vital part of our team responsibilities, working directly with local and national organizations to obtain sponsorships, grants and recruit new team members.